You do you, Alaha!


Did you hear the one about the woman who applied a full-face of makeup during active, med-free labor?



Alaha Majid (@makeupbyalaha) set Instagram a-flutter this week when she shared photos of herself in active labor with a tray table full of makeup and brushes, glamming herself up for the birth of her daughter. Many scoffed at what seemed like over-the-top vanity, or expressed surprise at her ability to paint a perfect face in between painful contractions.


But we here at Riverfront Doulas say You do you, Alaha!


In our childbirth classes we cover all kinds of coping mechanisms for labor, including more classic relaxation techniques like visualization and massage. But if applying makeup is what puts you in your happy place, well hold that Naked palette for you. Singing gets your oxytocin flowing? Well be your biggest fan. We want to help you find whatever your best strategy is for rocking your labor and birth.


Our childbirth education classes will give you some ideas of things you can do to pass the time and cope with labor. We love for you to bring your own ideas of calming activities to share with our groups, too. Alaha has the right idea - whatever feels best to you is whats right for your labor. And we love to help moms find the confidence they need to rock their labor. Thats why we love the collaborative nature of our group childbirth classes, where you can share ideas with other couples and find what works for you.


Authored by: Melissa Munfakh